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Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016

Clare MacMartin (conversation analysis)

Hello, I am in my writing this time I will introduce my expert, let's read through the article below Clare MacMartin is an applied social psychologist, Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Academic) at the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. He is a member of the Graduate Faculty Committee and has overseen a graduate student in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, and Department of Psychology. He has used discourse analysis and conversation analysis to study institutional communication in the field of judicial decision-making and group and individual psychotherapy.
            Clare is currently collaborating with Jason Coe and Hannah Wheat in the Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, and Cindy Adams, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, using conversation analysis to study the promise recorded in companion animal practice. Clare interested in how conversation analysis can inform the learning experience in clinical training programs (eg, couples and family therapy students and veterinary students) at the University of Guelph and elsewhere.
            his graduate students have used discourse analysis and conversation analysis to examine a variety of topics, including the interaction of psychotherapy, conversation families with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, construction media (eg, sexuality, father, Muslim identity), Internet description autobiography teens' experiences (anorexia nervosa and self-harm), and the doctor-patient interaction in meeting palliative care.

Departmental Profile Link:
Post-Doc Fellowship: 
Academic Institution: 
University of Guelph
Degree & Discipline: 
Academic Institution: 
University of Guelph
Degree & Discipline: 
PhD Psychology
Academic Institution: 
University of Toronto
Degree & Discipline: 
MA Psychology
            Keyword research: communication, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, discursive psychology, legal discourse, medical communications, qualitative research, psychotherapy, sexual harassment, sexual violence, Statement communicationProfile animals: Clare MacMartin is a social psychologist applied, Associate Professor and Associate Dean ( Academic) at the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. He is a member of the Graduate Faculty Committee and has overseen a graduate student in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, and Department of Psychology. He has used discourse analysis and conversation analysis to study the institutional communication in the field of judicial decision-making and group and individual psychotherapy.
            Clare is currently collaborating with Jason Coe and Hannah Wheat in the Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, and Cindy Adams, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, using conversation analysis to study the promise recorded in companion animal practice. Clare interested in how conversation analysis can inform the learning experience in clinical training programs (eg, couples and family therapy students and veterinary students) at the University of Guelph and elsewhere. his graduate students have used discourse analysis and conversation analysis to examine a variety of topics, including the interaction of psychotherapy, conversation families with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, construction media (eg, sexuality, Fatherhood, Muslim identity), Internet descriptions autobiography of Youth ' experience (anorexia nervosa and self-harm), and the doctor-patient interaction in meeting palliative care. 
MacMartin, C., & Wood, L. A. (2007). Sentencing sexual abuse offenders: Sex crimes and social justice. In J. Cotterill (Ed.), The language of sex crimes (pp. 180-197). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Wood, L. A., & MacMartin, C. (2007). Constructing remorse: Judges' sentencing decisions in child sexual assault cases. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 26, 343-362.
MacMartin, C. (2002). (Un)reasonable doubt? The invocation of children's consent in sexual abuse trial judgments. Discourse & Society, 13, 9-40.
MacMartin, C. (2004). Judicial constructions of the seriousness of child sexual abuse. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 36, 66-80.
MacMartin, C. (1999). Disclosure as discourse: Theorizing children's reports of sexual abuse. Theory & Psychology, 9, 503-532.
Invited Presentaions: 
Event Name: 
Meeting of the International Conference on Conversation Analysis
Event Country: 
Event City: 
Event Year: 
Title of Presentation: 
MacMartin, C., Coe, J. B, & Adams, C. L. (July, 2010). Treating animals as if they have spoken: "I know" responses in veterinarians' pet-directed talk.
Event Name: 
Colloquium Presented at the Center for Language, Interaction and Culture, University of California
Event Country: 
United States
Event City: 
Los Angeles, CA
Event Year: 
Title of Presentation: 
MacMartin, C., Coe, J. B., & Adams, C. L. (October, 2010). Treating animals as if they have spoken: Empathic "I know" responses in veteriniarians' pet-directed talk.
Event Name: 
Meeting of the International Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine
Event Country: 
United States
Event City: 
Napa, CA
Event Year: 
Title of Presentation: 
MacMartin, C., Coe, J. B, & Adams, C. L. (November, 2010). Talk to the animals: Conversation analysis of veterinarians' "I know" responses to patients.
Event Name: 
Presentation at MediCal/Royal Canin
Event Country: 
Event City: 
Guelph, ON
Event Year: 
Title of Presentation: 
Coe, J. B., MacMartin, C., & Wheat, H. (June, 2012). Communication research activities at the Ontario Veterinary College.
Event Name: 
Presentation at MediCal/Royal Canin
Event Country: 
Event City: 
Guelph, ON
Event Year: 
Title of Presentation: 
Wheat, H., Coe, J. B., & MacMartin, C. (June, 2012). Preliminary findings of a study examining displays of adherence during veterinarian-client diet discussions.

            Dr Clare MacMartin focused her studies on a wide range of fields, including: qualitative research methods, especially conversation analysis and discourse analysis and its use in the teaching of professional communication skills; communication in healthcare settings and psychotherapy; discourse of sexual violence; and the human-animal interaction. He is currently working with colleagues at the Ontario Veterinary College studied the interaction veterinarian-client-patient, including treatment recommendations nutrition and management of obesity in companion animal practice.

PhD (Psychology) - University of Guelph, 2000

MA (Psychology) - University of Toronto, 1989

Selasa, 20 September 2016

Discourse Analysis (DA) or discourse studies

1.   Discourse is a continuous stretch of (especially spoken) language larger than a sentence, often constituting a coherent unit such as a sermon, argument, joke, or narrative.

2.   Discourse is  ways of constituting knowledge, together with the social practices, forms of subjectivity and power relations which inhere in such knowledges and relations between them. Discourses are more than ways of thinking and producing meaning. They constitute the 'nature' of the body, unconscious and conscious mind and emotional life of the subjects they seek to govern (Weedon, 1987, p. 108).

3.   Discourse is  a form of power that circulates in the social field and can attach to strategies of domination as well as those of resistance ( Diamond and Quinby, 1988, p. 185).

4.   Crystal (1992:25)  discourse is a continuous stretch of (especially spoken) language larger than a sentence, often constituting a coherent unit such as a sermon, argument, joke, or narrative.

5.   Frances Henry and Carol Tator
Discourse is the way in which language is used socially to convey broad historical meanings. It is  language identified by the social conditions of its use, by who is using it and under what conditions. Language can never be 'neutral' because it bridges our personal and social worlds.

6.   discourse analysis is one way to engage in a very important human task. The task is this: to think more deeply about the meanings we give people's words so as to make ourselves better, more humane people and the world a better, more humane place" (J. P. Gee, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, 2005).  (blackred/Getty Images)

7.   Discourse is generally used to designate the forms of representation, codes, conventions and habits of language that produce specific fields of culturally and historically located meanings.

8.   The definition of analysis is the process of breaking down a something into its parts to learn what they do and how they relate to one another.

9.   Discourse analysis, as an approach to studying psychological phenomena, developed out of the ‘turn to language’ in social psychology in the 1970s and 1980s and the emergence of social constructionism.

10.  Discourse analysis is a broad and diverse field, including a variety of approaches to the study of language, which derive from different scientific disciplines and utilize various analytical practices
Source : (Wetherell, Taylor, & Yates, 2001ab).

11.  Discourse is the creation and organization of the segments of a language above as well as below the sentence. It is segments of language which may be bigger or smaller than a single sentence but the adduced meaning is always beyond the sentence. The term discourse applies to both spoken and written language, in fact to any sample of language used for any purpose.

12.  Discourse analysis involves the study of both text and context. (according to schiffrin)
Source : (Laura Alba-Juez, perspective on Discourse Analysis: Theory and practice, 2009:8)

13.  Discourse analysis is the study of how language is actually used and its effects on the speakers.
Source : (Lidia Tanaka, Gender, language, and Culture: A Study of Japanise Television
Interview Discourse, 2004:3)

14.  Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it

15.  Analysis is this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations:
the grammatical analysis of a sentence.

My conclusion

Minggu, 12 Juni 2016


Analysis Syllabus Faculty of Law in Lancang Kuning University

Submitted as One of Assignments of English Specific Purpose Course
Taught by Indah Muzdalifah,M.Pd



JUNE 2016

            The field of teaching English for specific purposes, or better known as English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is a field of teaching English is relatively new. ESP developments in higher education both public colleges and universities of religion in Indonesia is still vague. It looks at the use of ESP's own name as the name of taught courses. In the college curriculum, ESP simply titled as subjects of English (BI) alone. In its implementation, English is taught in accordance with the allocation of credit semester system (SKS) applied by each college. Public college who consider English very important role in allocating 4-6 college credits while the public considered English only as a general basic subjects allocated only about 2- 4 credits alone while at religious colleges, the weight of English credits allocated ranges between 2-4 credits, even with only 2 credits alone.
          In practice, this English courses tend to be interpreted and implemented differently. Some are considered as courses
General English contains material which contains basic knowledge of English public with different elements and skills. Conversely, some argue that this course is a course for special purposes that are tailored to the field of study the student, though in practice tend not reflect its essence as a subject for a particular purpose. In its implementation, despite being regarded as a subject ESP, this subject has not yet reflected the implementation of ESP theory should be. This subject experienced a variety of problems from many sides, both its design, implementation, and evaluation.
problem formulation
1. What is learning ESP
2. What is syllabus
3. How to analyze syllabus

Objective Problem
1. To know learning ESP
2. To know syllabus
3. To understand analyze syllabus


1.         Teaching materials play an important role in achieving a goal of teaching. Once the magnitude of the role of teaching materials so that Tomlinson (1998) states that any subject that is taught within the framework centered teaching, students, teaching materials is paramount. In addition to teaching materials, learning objectives is the direction you want addressed in a series of activities undertaken in the learning process. Basically, the essence of the learning objective is to achieve changes in behavior or abilities of students after participating in learning activities and encapsulated in the description of specific learning objectives is a direction that would target of a series of activities undertaken in the learning process. Basically, the essence of the learning objective is to achieve changes in behavior or abilities of students after participating in learning activities and encapsulated in the description of a specific,
     Next is no less important in learning is learning approach. Jack C. Richard cites the opinion of Anthony (1986: 15) said the approach in language learning, which is a set of assumptions that are axiomatic about the nature and the nature of language and methods constitute a comprehensive plan regarding the presentation of the material language teaching on a regular basis and is based on an approach that is selected. Additionally, Hamalik in Arsyad (2007: 15) argues that the use of instructional media in teaching and learning can arouse passions and interests well, generating motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and even bring psychological effects on students. The use of instructional media at the stage of learning orientation will be very
help the effectiveness of the learning process and the delivery of messages and content at the time. Recently in learning component is the evaluation. According to Gagne (1979: 82) any teacher or designer of learning definitely want to get assurance that the activities of teaching and learning for a certain period of time has a use value to the learning process. At least the teacher wants to know whether the design of the lesson succeed and achieve learning objectives. Things that indicate how well a learning takes place can be obtained from the evidence collected, analyzed, and interpreted systematically and this is called the evaluation.
2.         Syllabus According to Ministry of National Education, Syllabus is the plan learning and teaching in a group in the topic which includes Competency Standards (SK), Basic Competency (KD), the material learning, learning activities, indicators of achievement of competencies, assessment, time and learning resources. (Ministry of Education,2008: 16)

3.       English Syllabus in Law Department


Mata Kuliah                : Bahasa Inggris
Program Studi             : Ilmu Hukum
Semester / SKS           : I / 2 sks
Dosen                          : TIM PENGAJAR
Kemampuan Akhir Yang Diharapkan            : Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menggunakan konsep linguistik dan menerti pesan tentang    hukum dalam Bahasa Inggris serta dapat mencari kesamaan kata yang lebih dekat dengan Bahasa Indonesia dan dapat menterjemahkan pesan tersebut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan benar.









I s.d II

Mampu menggunakan kata kata dalam percakapan sehari- hari
1.      Introduction
1.1    Greeting
1.2    Asking condition
1.3    Parting Expressions
1.4    Expression of pardon
1.5    Expression of gratitude
1.6    Occupations and profession
1.7    Adjective
1.8    At, on, in with expression of time
1.9    In The end At
1.9    Meals
1.10  Partities
2       Put,stir,eat cut, drink,spoon knife,fork
2.1    Adverb of Frequency
2.3    What kind of,like and want
2.4    How much, Tax, change Money


Performance, kejelasan, ketepatan pengucapan dalam komunikasi



III s.d IV

Dapat mengunakan struktural point dalam situasi lain
3       Number
3.1    Cardinal Number
3.2    Ordinal Number
3.3    On with date
3.4    Simple Past Tense
3.5    Time Expressions of Simple Past   Tense
3.6     Early, On time, late
4        Adresses At,On,In
4.1     To the store, To school, home
4.2     Quastion word
4.3     Near, Far from, the next evening
4.4     Drugstore, Bank, Library

Brainstorming dan Diskusi kelompok

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam Komunikasi



V  s.d VI

Dapat mengunakan tenses dalam situasi yang tepat
5.      Tenses
5.1    Present Progressive Tenses
5.2    Simple Future/ Be going to
5.3    Time expression future
6.      Place
6.1    Dormitory, Boarding house, etc
6.2    Telling a story


Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Dapat mengunakan tenses dalam kalimat dengan benar
7.     Quantity
7.1   Quantity and number expressions
7.2   Distance and time expressions
8.     Present Progressive
8.1   Using the Present Progressive with always
8.2   In addition to always
8.3   Using Expression of Place with Progressive tenses

Brainstorming, Diskusi kelompok dan Demostrasi

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran










X s.d XII

Mampun mengunakan kata-kata dalam kalimat dengan benar
10.     Daily Activities
10.1   Make, Do
10.2   Evening Activities
11.     Family Relation ship
11.1   Parents, children, son, daughter
12.     Introduction to people
12.1   Adverb
12.2   Midsentence Adverb

Brainstorming, Diskusi kelompok dan Demontrasi

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Mampu memahami, menganalis dan mengunakan kata-kata dalam kalimat dengan benar
13.     Modal Auxalary
13.1   Can, May, Will, Shall ,etc
13.2   Similar Expressions
13.3   Phrasal verb ( two – word and three word verbs )
13.4   Seprable Phrasal Verb
13.5   Take, Expect Hope, Wait for, Have to, etc
14.     Noun and Adjective
14.1   The Character of noun and adjective
14.2   Count, and Non Count Nouns
14.3   Non Count Nouns
14.4   Like,Look like, Look, How with Be
14.4   Catch/Caught and Have/ Has/ Had
14.5   Ache and Sore
14.6   Get in / Out of and get on / off

Brainstorming dan diskusi kelompok

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Mampu memahami teks mengenai hukum dalam bahasa Inggris dan memindahkannya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan benar
15. Sixteen tenses
15.1 Translation
15.2 The process of Translation
15.3 The Diagram
15.4 The Different kinds of meaning in Language

Brainstorming dan diskusi kelompok

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Ujian Akhir Semester





            with regarding from the analysis documentation, Research discovered that English syllabus in law department has not been relevant to ESP. It could be proven in English syllabus that used by the lecturer as a guide in teaching English in this department. Learner needs for law students also was not clear represent in this syllabus. Seen from the contents of the themes and topics, it did not describe the themes and topics to particular discipline in this case are legal purposes. Contents or subject matter from this course still English general. Grammar in EAP, vocabulary in EAP, and discourse analysis in EAP for legal purposes in this syllabus also was not clear

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