Senin, 02 Mei 2016



Polysemy is the association of one word with two or more distinct meanings. A polyseme is a word or phrase with multiple meanings. Adjective: polysemous or polysemic.
Polisemi adalah suatu kata yang mempunyai makna lebih dari satu.

Traditionally, polysemy is distinguished from homonymy.5
In polysemy, the different
senses of a single lexical item are seen as being related in some non-trivial way, whereas
in homonymy, the multiple encoding is a matter of historical accident. An example of
homonymy is the lexical form coach, which encodes the entirely unrelated meanings
‘bus’ and ‘sports instructor’. It is standard to see these as being represented as two
different lexemes(COACH1 and COACH2) in the mental lexicon.
However, drawing the distinction between related and unrelated senses of a
lexical form is often far from a straightforward matter. The question is: What does it
mean for two senses to be related? The criteria that have been suggested include
etymology and speaker intuitions about unrelatedness vs. relatedness of meaning (Lyons

Polysemy Homonymy
Meaning1 Word -
Meaning -

Word Word form
Meaning 2 Word Meaning
Figure 1

Contoh :

Saya masih punya hubungan darah dengan keluarga Bu Rani. (darah=kesaudaraan)Tubuhnya berlumuran darah setelah kepalanya terbentur tiang listrik. (darah=yang berada dalam tubuh)

Perhatikan kata darah pada kalimat a berarti keluarga (makna konotasi), sedangkan darah pada kalimat b berarti zat merah dalam tubuh kita (makna denotasi).

My conclusions should have become quite clear from what I have said up to this point, so I
will only present a short summary to recapitulate my point.
Although the literature on polysemy is extremely incoherent with respect to the terminology
used and the specific methods of description employed, and is additionally also very
fragmented (i.e. the different approaches are often absolutely unaware of each other’s work), a
surprisingly coherent overall picture arises, which I believe to be only possible because the
material described strongly suggests it itself.

Reference › honlap › whatispolysemy › polysemyterm