Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

clouds (separation)


clouds (separation)
there is a temple of a song, or a poem which arguably would not I forget forever, very imprint of his verse, each verse heave seemed permanently etched. This song is a farewell song, a proof, an expression of separation from a friend who will never come together, together forever, because life is made so.
This poem is so honest, very natural and what is not there ass.
I heard this song already 7 years later, when the event Osis camp PII (Indonesian Islamic Student). These songs are heard and sung at the end of the event, when the emotion between us has been formed, the 4 days we have shared stories of the event, very exciting, very exciting.
osis hundreds of administrators gathered at the event, and the result of the show my friends became very much scattered.
indeed to this day I still reminisce every part in the event, still remember the portraits of their laughter, smile thin them, and laments them as so many problems and challenges of the game we face, how cool atmosphere that night because the show until midnight , how cold sleeping in tents, and how sweet fruit hamlet that mothers give for lunch snacks.
Sungguh, moment-moment saat itu merupakan momen-momen yang menarik. sayang waktu memang tidak bisa kita putar ulang dan sampai kapan pun tidak akan pernah terulang, yang bisa kita lakukan adalah mencoba mengabadikan momen-moment itu di hati, perasaan, pikiran dan alam bawah sadar kita. agar tiap potret wajah akan terus abadi tak termakan oleh waktu yang senyumnya sendiri menyembunyikan topeng keangkuhan dan kewibawaan.
Kalian pasti penasaran dengan lirik lagu itu bukan ? ini dia : lagu Perpisahan dari PII
Hayati baik-baik tiap liriknya
Bagaikan awan tanpa berarah
Suatu saat kita pasti berkumpul
Dan pada saat yang lain
Kita pasti berpisah

Begitu pula dengan diriku
Ku kan pergi meninggalkan dirimu
Walaupun berat hatimu
Namun relakan aku

Kenanglah-kenang, wahai temanku
Kau kan dapat penggantiku
Yang akan menyayangimu
Jangan lupakan aku